Saturday, May 7, 2011

CARDS FOR $0.60 ???

Yep, you read the title right. I went to Smith's today because there was a few cards i wanted to get. With Graduation season upon us and there's always birthday's and other special occassions right? I think i must be the cheapest person alive or something. Because i usually go for the $0.99 cards. Well i had a coupon (one of chose coupons that prints out at the register). It was good for $1.50 off of your shopping trip with the purchase of 3 cards. So i picked up 3 cards. I went to the register and scanned them in and my total came to $2.97 when i went to pay and i selected "PAY NOW!" i had forgotten i also had a e-coupon that was loaded to my rewards card. That was good for $1 off.
here is the scenario.

3 cards @ $0.99 each = $2.97 - $1.00 e-coupon/digital coupon - another $1.50 off your shopping trip when you buy 3 cards = with tax $0.60

I was pretty excited about it.

CARLI- You would be so proud.